June 25-27, 2018: EPSRC funded Workshop on
Complex Heterogeneous Systems
taking place at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh.
The preliminary programme can be downoaded here.
New group members:
Alexandre Simon
Exchange Research Student from France
Project on Machine Learningin Summer 2018.
Jonathan Meyer
ETP funded Research Student
Industrial Project on Energyin 2018.
Dr. Selcuk Atalay
started to work on the EPSRC funded project
Transport and Reactions in Complex Heterogeneous Multiphase Systemsin July 2017.
Ms Jeta Molla
will start her PhD project associated with the EPSRC fundend project
Transport and Reactions in Complex Heterogeneous Multiphase Systems,in October 2017.
Most recent research results:
Rigorous and computational advances on the evolution of interfaces:
M. Schmuck, G.A. Pavliotis, and S. Kalliadasis, Recent advances in the evolution of interfaces: thermodynamics, upscaling, and universality, arXiv:1804:09228 (2018). -
Computational VALIDATION of upscaled/homogenized phase field equations:
A. Veveris & M. Schmuck Computational investigation of porous media phase field formulations: microscopic, effective macroscopic, and Langevin equations, Journal of Computational Physics, 344:485-498 (2017). -
Homogenized COMPOSITE CATHODE equations accounting for PHASE TRANSFORMING intercalation hosts:
Schmuck, M., Upscaling of solid-electrolyte composite intercalation cathodes for energy storage systems: Homogenized composite cathode equations, Applied Mathematics Research eXpress, 2017(2):402-430 (2017). -
Error estimastes/convergence rates for the porous media approximation of phase field equations:
Schmuck, M. & Kalliadasis, S., Rate of convergence of general phase field equations in strongly heterogeneous media towards their homogenized limit: error estimates for upscaled phase field equations, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 77(4):1471-1492 (2017). - The Group's emerging YouTube channel featuring work in progress and results